


The Virtue of the Actions of the Hajj

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Imaam al-Bazzaar -rahimahullaah- reported in his Musnad [al-Bahruz-Zakhkhaar] (12/317/no.6177):

“Muhammad ibn `Umar ibn Hayyaaj narrated to us: Yahyaa ibn `Abdir-Rahmaan al- Arhabiyy related to us: `Ubaydah ibn al-Aswad related to us: from Sinaan ibn al-Haarith: from Talhah ibn Musarrif: from Mujaahid: from Ibn `Umar, who said:

„I was sitting with the Prophet ﷺ in the mosque of Minaa, and there came to him a man of the Ansaar and a man from the Thaqeef, and they gave the Salutation, then they said: “O Messenger of Allaah! We have come to ask you a question”, so he said: <<If the two of you wish I shall inform you of what you came to ask me about; and if you wish me to withhold, and let you ask, then I shall do so. >>

So they said: “Inform us, O Messenger of Allaah.” So the man of the Thaqeef said to the man of the Ansaar: “Ask.” So he said: “Inform me, O Messenger of Allaah.” He said: <<You came to ask me about your leaving your house to proceed to the Sacred House, and what there will be for you for that; and about your two rak`ahs after the Tawaaf, and what there will be for you for them; and about your going between as- Safaa and al-Marwah, and what there will be for you for it; and about your standing in the afternoon in `Arafah, and what there will be for you for it; and about your casting small pebbles at the place of stoning, and what there will be for you for it; and about your shaving your head, and what there will be for you for it; and about your Sacrifice, and what there will be for you for it; and about your performing Tawaaf around the House after that, and what there will be for you for it, along with the departure (ifaadah). >>

So he said: “By the One Who sent you with the truth! This is what I came to ask you about.”

He said: <<Then when you leave your house to go to the Sacred House, your camel will not put its foot down, nor raise it, except that on account of it Allaah will write for you a good deed, and He will wipe away from you a bad deed. As for your two rak`ahs after the Tawaaf, then that will be like setting free a slave from the descendants of Ismaa`eel. As for your going between as-Safaa and al-Marwah after that, then that will be like freeing seventy slaves. As for your standing during the afternoon of `Arafah, then Allaah -the Exalted and Most High- descends to the lowest heaven, and boasts of you to the Angels, saying: ‘My servants: they have come to Me dishevelled from every distant place, hoping for My Mercy. So if your sins were as many as there are grains of sand, or as many as there are drops of rain, or as much as the foam upon the sea, then He would forgive them -or: I would forgive them. Return, O My servants, having been forgiven: you and whomever you supplicate for’. As for your casting small pebbles at the place of stoning, then there will be for you, for every pebble which you throw, [expiation] for a major destructive sin. As for your Sacrifice, then it will be stored up for you with your Lord. As for your shaving your head, then there will be for you for every hair which you shave a good deed, and a bad deed will be removed for you on account of it. As for your performing Tawaaf around the House after that, then you will perform Tawaaf having no sin upon you. An Angel will come and place his hands between your shoulders, and will say: ‘Act regarding what lies ahead of you, since whatever has passed has been forgiven‟>>.”

* Shaikh al-Albaanee -rahimahullaah- said in Saheehut-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb (no.1112): “Hasan lighairihi.”

[Translated by Aboo Talhah Daawood ibn Ronald Burbank]

Source: alitisaambissunnah


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